Insects and Mites That Hitchhike on Flying Fire Ants

Figure 1. Two female red imported fire ant alates preparing to lift off for nuptial flight. USDA photo.One way fire ants ultimately establish new colonies is to disperse through mating (nuptial) flights (Fig. 1). During these flights, winged male and female fire ants (called alates) leave the nest, fly high into the sky and mate.  These …

Fire Ant Biology

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Ant stages
Ant developmental stages

Fire Ant Habitat

Imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), are social insects that usually produce hills or mounds in open areas where …

What are flying ants?

Two female red imported fire ant alates preparing to lift off for nuptial flight. USDA photo.
Two red imported fire ant alates preparing to lift off for nuptial flight. USDA photo.

Most ant species, including fire ants, produce flying ants. Often called winged ants or alates, flying ants are fertile male or female ants that

Ants and Electrical Equipment

Infestations are Costly

Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), including the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, have an affinity for electrical utilities (Drees 1998). In Texas alone, costs associated with fire ant damages to electrical and communications equipment totaled $146.5 million …

Identifying Fire Ants

What do fire ants look like?  How can I tell them apart from other ants?

In the United States, imported fire ants currently inhabit all or parts of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, …

Fire Ant Stings

How a Fire Ant Stings

Thousands of fire ants live in just one fire ant nest. If a mound is disturbed, hundreds of ants immediately rush out, climb on whatever disturbed them, including humans, and sting. There is some …

Fire Ant Morphology, Reproduction, and Development

If it were it not for the painful experiences associated with fire ants, most people might find these creatures fascinating. Their life cycle and social behavior are surprisingly complex.

Habitat:  Fire Ant Colony

A mature fire ant moundA new fire ant colony forming

Fire ants live in colonies in …

Fire Ant Habitat and Food Sources

Imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), are social insects that usually produce hills or mounds in open areas where the colonies reside. These fire ants build mounds in almost any type of soil, but prefer open, …