Mini-Surveys for Outcome Program Surveys (MOPS) of eXtension Web Pages

Selected questions were developed by Bart Drees and Kathy Flanders for pages ranking high on Google Analytics where changes in behavior, satisfaction or other program outcomes were anticipated (Appendix 1).  Other potential questions that serve to potentially document outcome program impact were also considered (Appendix 2). 

Five “pilot” Mini-Survey questions described in the attached document. Data generated will include:

  1. the number of page hits in addition to the respondent numbers to calculate percent response
  2. mean responses for each question
  3. tabulation/listing of comments.

Michael Lambur developed the text box for posting and spreadsheets for compiling responses available in GoogleDocs.  Text boxes were embedded into selected pages by clicking the URLs on GoogleDocs forms and then embedding them in each page.

Five Mini-Surveys have been posted on the Imported Fire Ant eXtension Community of Practice (CoP) website since Sept. 13, 2011. Similar Mini-Survey questions may show potential for outcome program assessment by other eXtension Communities of Practice.

Five test questions currently available are:

  1. Are there any home remedies that will kill fire ants?
  2. Which fire ant bait should I use?
  3. Fire Ant Habitat and Food Sources
  4. Fire Ant Control: The Two-Step Method and Other Approaches
  5. Fire Ant Control Made Easy Video

Results (Sept. 3, 2011 – May 9, 2012)

Google docs retrieved for this period (Sept. 3, 2011 – May 9, 2012) of time summarized below:

1.  Are there any home remedies that will kill fire ants?

Total page views: 2,804

Survey question:  To what extent did the information provided on this webpage help you with your fire ant problem/situation?

( 7 ) Not at all

( 4 ) Some

( 12 ) Moderate

( 18 ) Great

( 7 ) Very great

( 3 ) Not sure

Total page views: 2,137

Survey question:  Did you learn anything from information provided on this web page?

Ranked answers:

A lot


Not much


No data for this time period reported.

3. Fire Ant Habitat and Food Sources

Total page views: 1,961

Survey question: Would or have you recommended the information on this page to other people?

( 5 ) No

( 13 ) Would recommend

( 3 ) Have recommended

4. Fire Ant Control: The Two-Step Method and Other Approaches

Total page views: 2,544

Survey question: Please indicate your intentions to use any of the practices listed below or if you are already using it.

( 39 ) Practice 1 (*please answer question below) = I’ll use the Two-Step Approach for fire ant control

( 5 ) Practice 2 = I’ll stick with my current fire ant control practices

* Response categories:

( 3 ) Definitely will not use

( 2 ) Probably will not use

( 2 ) Undecided

( 13 ) Probably will use

( 11 ) Definitely will use

( 7 ) Already using

( 1 ) Not applicable

5. Fire Ant Control Made Easy Video

Total page views: 1,425

Survey question:  Could the fire ant control practices you learned about on this video change the way you plan to manage fire ants to save you time and money?

Ranked answers:

  1. ( 4 ) Yes (*please answer question below)
  2. ( 2 ) Maybe
  3. ( 0 ) No

Appendix 1. “Mini”-Survey Questions – Imported Fire Ants

Pages identified for trial “mini-survey” questionnaire text boxes placed above page text or below text (but above the FAQ propotion text box). Those selected performed very high on Google analytics.

Public side                        Source

internal page info. no. =  link code   Topic 

I. 34814 = 34106 Home remedies

Mini-Survey: We Value Your Input

  1. To what extent did the information provided on this webpage help you with your fire ant problem/situation?

(  ) Not at all

(  ) Some

(  ) Moderate

(  ) Great

(  ) Very great

(  ) Not sure

  1. Please provide any comments you would like to share:

II. 34549 = 33824 Which ant bait?

Mini-Survey: We Value Your Input

  1. Did you learn anything from information provided on this web page?
    • A lot
    • Some
    • Not much
    • Nothing

2.  Please provide any comments you would like to share:

III. 9766  = 80700 Habitat and food sources

Mini-Survey: We Value Your Input

  1. Would or have you recommended the information on this page to other people?

(  ) No

(  ) Would recommend

(  ) Have recommended

  1. Please provide any comments you would like to share:

IV. 14345  =  82278  Two-Step approach

Mini-Survey: We Value Your Input

  1. Please indicate your intentions to use any of the practices listed below or if you are already using it.
  • Practice 1 (*please answer question below) = I’ll use the Two-Step Approach for fire ant control
  • Practice 2 = I’ll stick with my current fire ant control practices

* Response categories:

  • Definitely will not use
  • Probably will not use
  • Undecided
  • Probably will use
  • Definitely will use
  • Already using
  • Not applicable

2.   Please describe your current fire ant control practices and other comments:

V.        12254                          =          80727              Video: Fire ant control made easy

Mini-Survey: We Value Your Input

1.   Could the fire ant control practices you learned about on this video change the way you plan to manage fire ants to save you time and money?

  • Yes (*please answer question below)
  • Maybe
  • No

2.   What do you estimate you currently spend to control fire ants in a given year?

Appendix 2. Examples of potential survey questions – M. Lambur

  1. To what extent did the information provided on this webpage help you with your fire ant problem/situation?

(  ) Not at all

(  ) Some

(  ) Moderate

(  ) Great

(  ) Very great

(  ) Not sure

  1. Please indicate your intentions to use any of the practices listed below or if you are already using it.

Practice 1 *

Practice 2

Practice n **

** Note: these would have to be supplied for each page

* Response categories

(  ) Definitely will not use

(  ) Probably will not use

(  ) Undecided

(  ) Probably will use

(  ) Definitely will use

(  ) Already using

(  ) Not applicable

  1. Do you anticipate or have you realized any cost savings or benefits from any of the practices you responded to in question 2?

(  ) No

(  ) Don’t know

(  ) Yes (please answer question 4 below)

  1. Please select which of the following best captures the total cost savings or benefits from the practices you responded to in question 2.

(  ) $$ amount

(  ) $$ amount

(  ) $$ amount

(  ) $$ amount

  1. Would or have you recommended the information on this page to other people?

(  ) No

(  ) Would recommend

(  ) Have recommended

  1. Please provide any comments you would like to share.
  1. Did you learn anything from information provided on this web page?
    1. A lot
    2. Some
    3. Not much
    4. Nothing